Thursday, December 17, 2009

End of 2nd Semester

HALFWAY TO MY RN!!!!! I cannot believe it!!

So my second semester is finally over. Wow, what a long ride. During my last test, I looked around the room and reflected back to my summer class when we would take tests in this room. I knew most people's names, but did not know most of them that well. When I looked around the room this time, it was much different. We had all made it that far. We have had all of these experiences together - some very different, but nonetheless - all together. Unfortunately, we are now down 2 classmates. One failed adult health and the other decided that this program wasn't for her. The others are still pushing through.

I ended the semester with all A's, so that was a big relief since I had been rather worried. My psych/mental health nursing actually ended up being my highest grade out of the 3 classes. The final eval went well and she was really objective so no worries there. She was right on point with some of the things she said about me (VERY organized, worked well with kids, sometimes overanalyzing, etc). :)

I'm happy that we now have a 5 week break so that I can just have fun, relax, party, visit with friends and family, etc. It's cool too because my cousin just had her baby today - Reese Cameron - 6lbs 10oz. :) I can't wait to see the precious girl!!!! It makes me even more excited for my classes next semester again.

Friday, December 4, 2009


"When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom." Proverbs 11:2

"Love does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud." 1 Corinthians 13:4

"Your beauty should not come from outward adornment...instead, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God's sight." 1 Peter 3:3-4

"We all have different gifts, according to the grace given us." Romans 12:6

"See ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you." Matthew 6:33

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight." Proverbs 3:5-6

Tonight, I was feeling kind of down, stressed, worried, etc. so I opened a book that I have filled with Bible verses. I found solace in these as I read them. Today was the last day of class. All I have is 2 finals left - however - I have a lot of studying left to do for these. I'm stressing out, but I just could not study with all these thoughts running through my mind.

I had my adult health eval and it went pretty well. I got an A - barely - but an A's an A right? She just graded more strictly than I thought. When I asked her about it, she did not really have a solid answer as to why I got what I did in the different categories. Hmmmm. This is why it can be so frustrating - it seems as if the grading in clinical can be really biased. The professors have different experiences, styles, philosophies, and expectations. I'm worried about my psych eval because of this. I know that she is going to try and be objective, but at the same time she is going to put her judgment into it. I'm not sure I trust this at times. It's hard because some of the other people in my class say that she likes me - others say that she doesn't like me. To put it lightly - I've worked my ass off in there and my eval/grade better show it. At the same time, I think that I should not go in with too high of expectations because then I just get mad when I don't do as well as I thought. It's just a weird situation.

Back to the messages/themes behind the Bible verses - I really need to work on not comparing myself to others in my class. We are all so different and have all of our own strengths/weaknesses. It is just really difficult because I see all of these awesomely nice, smart, kind, witty, wonderful people everyday and I'm I seem kind of lame compared to them. I need to work on seeing my strengths and being thankful for the things I have been given. I would also like to be patient and let everything come in time. In a way, I need to stop trying to have such control on my life. I wonder about what I will be doing, what I will be good at, where I will live, what will be happening to me in the future. I want to take it slower and not THINK so gosh darn much. It stresses me out too much.

I am just ready for this semester to be over. Like I have said before - I have been going to year-round school since Spring 08. This break will be good for me to have a little fun, relax, not study, read some books, etc.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


I really can't believe that this is our last week of classes then next week is finals. You can see by my lack of posts that it has been crazy. (posts Aug-6, Sep-5, then downhill from there). :) And today is the first of Dec!!!

So its really nerve-wracking because in ALL 3 classes of my classes I am in between an A and B, so no slacking off but going balls to the wall for these last 2 weeks. I mean, I guess since I'm in grad school it doesn't really matter if I get an A or B, but just for myself it is so close that I want all As. I have my last test tomorrow in Adult Health and my skills performance also on Wed, then I will be done with that class. I have my final eval with my clinical prof on Friday - hopefully I did okay in that class. I then have the patho final next Wed. I cant believe that is in a week. Its a comprehensive final, so literally its like learn the whole body and what a nurse does with every disorder. WHAT?! :) I then have the mental health final which is also comprehensive. I feel like I havent had a comprehensive final in forever. Coffee and tea here I come!!

I have learned so much this semester its ridiculous. I look back and think, wow I have come a long way. This semester flew by, but also felt like I started it such a long time ago - since so many things have happened between now and then. I have become a more open-minded person and really take the time to care for people. I have always done that, but being in the position of a nurse, you really get the opportunity to create a bond with the pts (not all of the time). I had this one pt yesterday and she said, "You are going to make an excellent nurse. I know you will succeed and be great at it. I can just tell." I love being able to help the people, listen to them, talk with them, take care of them, etc. I might not like getting up at 5am, but when I am with the pts it makes it worth it.

I have really learned the most though in mental health. It has challenged me beyond what I am used to. I think a lot of this has to do with the professor pushing us to be better people and putting us sometimes in situations that we arent comfortable in so that we can learn through that.

I don’t know if you have ever heard of or read the website PostSecret (you should check it out if you haven’t), but one of the postcards on there today made me think about this semester. It said, “The first time I never sat alone was in the psych ward.” Just sitting there with the clients, listening to them, talking with them, playing games, whatever it might be really does make a difference. It might feel small sometimes, but to them it might have really helped. That is one of the reasons we were there. I am glad that what seems like a small thing at the time can really help and mean a lot. My prof said that one of the most important therapeutic tools is yourself. I have learned a lot about the power of this this semester.

As for now, I guess I better go study for my test tomorrow. Thanks to all of you who support me and also read my blog. :)

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


I just wanted to add this on here so that later when I come and look it I can remember it - especially as one of the funniest things this semester.

I wish that everyone knew my mental health professor because she is very professional, so her doing this was freakin hilarious/so unexpected. I was thoroughly embarrassed (probably more than her...hahah).

We were having post-conference outside and one of the students went to sit on the ground, but was kind of just squatting. Someone made a comment about her being in a birth squat or something along those lines. Our teacher then busts out with no that would look like THIS!!

She proceeds to do it right in front of me......... (and was surprisingly flexible I might add....hahahah)

Thursday, October 29, 2009


Wow - so someone tell me how October is already over?!? That means that the end of the semester is that much closer!! 5 more weeks! Then only 2 semesters until I take the NCLEX (9.5 months to go). That is crazy.

School has pretty much consumed my life. In adult health clinical on Monday I get to go to the OR and PACU - yay something different than med-surg. My prof then said that I am pretty much ready to start taking 3 patients after that - what?! That is insane!! :) My psych nursing is pretty good - I am really interested in that kind of stuff, so it's never a boring day on the psych unit! Especially last time was our first time to do a group therapy - well I thought that we were just going to be participating intermittently.... we get in the room...."The UT students are going to leading the entire group today..." UHHHH....okkkk.... hahah. The look on my face was probably priceless. We actually ended up doing a really good job, thank goodness because it could have been tragic. :)

Other than that - I am super excited for next semester. We registered for classes this week and I am ready for some kids and babies!! haha. I'm also taking adult health 2 and genetics in healthcare. Our busiest semester yet with 4 classes. Keepin my head up!!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Keep on truckin...

Just a quick little update - last week was pretty intense (and I didn't even have a test...but just a lot of written work...). I was kind of having a breakdown, but never really got to that point. I think that it was catching up with everyone, seeing that about 5 people at least just spontaneously bawled. :(

But now this week went by a lot better - I had a midterm in psych and this next week is my last time at the children's psych facility. :( I really like it there and am sad to leave. Adult health is going pretty well. My mid-term eval is next week for that, so we will see how it goes. This last week was my first time to have 2 patients. It was definitely more crazy since it was double the amt of work. It's hard to see myself being a "real" nurse and having 5 pts!! I will get there slowly.

I did my first Foley the other day. A little awkward because the guy started out by saying, "Yeah, I wanted a nursing student to do it, because they will always remember me as their first..." Way to start that off!! hahaha. So I need to go and do a mental status eval write-up on my pt from the other day.

Oh and p.s. we are already done with week 8. Starting week 9 already! We are also registering for classes in about a week too - excited about parent/child class next semester!!! :)

Sunday, October 4, 2009


Most of the time I feel as if I am drowning in the work that I have to do. One of the girls in the program said, "We don't study, we just DO." This is so true - I don't really study - I just DO things that are due everyday. It gets so overwhelming. Assignments, care plans, journals, concept maps, worksheets, readings, quizzes, etc. AHHHHH. I don't really like learning like that because I don't feel as if I am retaining it. I can't remember things that I did a week ago. what the heck...that is not going to work when I am in clinical or a real nurse. You just have to know what it is and how to do it. However, I also think that I won't be dealing with a lot of this stuff in the maternity/L&D/pedi realm.

At least this semester is almost half over, the weeks do go by so quickly because of all the things that we have to do. The weekends then go by even faster because I am doing school work most of the time too just to catch up...but then I still don't catch up. I need a break....I guess that will have to wait until Dec. I just have to think that this is my second semester - then in the spring it will be mother/baby/kids - yay! (and adult health haha. Then in the summer its pretty much we do our externship/preceptorship and we will be nurses after the dreaded NCLEX. :)

Well I better get back to my Client Data Base since that is due tomorrow...surprise surprise... (Oh and my teacher told me to call her to ask questions about it and she was at ACL having fun - how dare she!! haha)

Monday, September 21, 2009


Lack of posts recently = very stressed out me. I have A TON of stuff to do this week and my first pathophys test on Friday so it is literally going to be crazy. Lack of sleep, probably bad eating habits, stressing, having to miss my hip-hop aerobics classes, drinking a lot of coffee = not too good...

We will see how it goes. The assignments just keep piling up. I can do this....

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Do it all...

Lately, I have been wanting to get back into doing more I have time. haha. There is this little saying type thing that I think about when deciding if I really want something - would I be sad if I didn't buy it/do it/etc? Mind you, it is all within reason. Example - 50,000 boat - I would be REALLY sad if I didn't buy that...not reasonable at all. So anyways, I have really been thinking about getting back into dance, more specifically tap. I googled it and found a great studio in Austin that has a lot of adult classes. When I called up there, they told me I should start out in Tap 101. I was thinking...well I have at least had experience, so I think that would probably be too easy.

Today I went to the Tap 1 (the next class up) class and had a great time. It's so awesome to just get back out there and do it. I was a tad bit rusty, but that is understandable because I haven't taken a class in about 7 years. It was a different style of tap than I am used to, so that also made it a little more difficult. In some areas though, I am a lot more skilled than the people in my class. I think that I am going to keep going to this one for a while until I get a little better. It's cool because its on Saturdays so I don't have to work it around a school schedule. You can also go on a walk-in basis, so if I have other things to do then I don't have to go.

I don't want to look back and wish that I had done things. Live it up!!! :)

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


So today was the first day at the children's residential facility - it was just an orientation, tour, then the last hour was us on the unit that we are assigned to (I got the children's unit with Heather and Allison). I think that this is going to be more difficult than I originally had thought. I just got a little taste today of some of the issues on the floor - kids screaming, banging heads, provoking others, etc. Then again we were only there for a little bit and not all day with the kids like we will be for the next 2 months.

I foresee this being mentally, physically and emotionally challenging. I want to be able (if possible) to leave the issues at the facility, but if not then we also have journals for our class that will help to kind of let go of the week. Taking on the kids problems would be way too much. I really can't imagine these families that deal/work with them everyday - they have to be incredible frustrated, exhausted, feel hopeless, etc. There is also the other side of the coin showing that they are getting help here and will hopefully improve and return home better!

On a kind of different note, you know when you just see people that are great working with kids, can just relate to them and are wonderful at what they do? I really aspire to be like that, but then I think...can I even do that because don't most of those people just have an innate gift? One thing that made me feel really good was one of the people in my program brought their two kids to the AE program party, and I was just playing/talking with them for a little bit. The next day, she told me that I was really great with her kids and have a gift with children. That comment really made my....month. Like I said, I aspire to be one of those people that just connects with children and knows the right thing to say at the right time. It is early within my nursing career; I'm keeping my options open - I like adolescents, children, babies - all of the above. I wonder where I will end up and what I will really like? I pray that God leads me to my special gift where I can truly help and touch other people's lives, no matter the age.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Social/Austin stuff...

So if I have learned anything so far, it is that I need breaks from this school thing because it is just really overwhelming. Who knew that nursing school and grad school combined would be like this??

Rhonda and Emily P. at Scholtz Bier Garten after a long first week...
Caitlin, me and Candace at First Thursday on South Congress
Me eating salsa at the Hot Sauce Festival in Austin - by the end of that my mouth was on fire!!
Jenny and I at Sholtz Bier Garten
haha. Cookie the toy schnauzer!!! (Natalie's pup)

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Mental Health Clinical and...

I'm sure no one even reads this, but whatev...I'm just writing it for me then or pretend like people out there read it. haha. So today we had our orientation for mental health clinical and it was pretty intimidating. Getting told "never be alone" with the patients, etc. was kind of a wake-up call. Then's for our safety.

I'm going to a children/adolescent residential facility for the next 6-7 weeks to work with kids there that have a range of problems - including behavioral, biological, and closely related neurobiological issues. This is definitely going to be challenging at times!! I'm used to just playing with kids or teaching them to read, do math - that kind of being in the nursing role will be a new experience. There are so many rules associated with it that it sometimes makes it frustrating - like no even side-hugging the kids, no forming peer-like relations, no self-disclosure. I know that it has to be like that because we are professionals, but like I said it can be frustrating. We will see though when I get there how it goes. On the positive side though, I love working with kids and think that I am usually pretty good at it (at least I won't be uncomfortable like some people that have no experience with kids or just plain don't like them...).

OH and this is pretty scary so tomorrow I am already going to practice initiating IVs on mannequin arms and then next week we practice on each other in our class. AHH.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Started School

The first week (well...half of a week) of the semester is done! It felt so much longer though. I don't know how I am going to survive W-F and I barely even did that much! On top of that I have clinicals on Mondays and Tuesdays from around 6:30-15:00 - wow. I am going to be absolutely exhausted!!! (I also signed up for a hip-hop aerobics class so I will probably be dragging...haha).

It's hard to tell so far how everything will go/which classes are going to be tough/which ones I like/don't like. Once again, I am just going to try and keep an open mind going into the different areas, learning new things, and working with new and different people. Learning experiences all around! I just know that there is going to be a ton of reading and writing, but then again that is grad school isn't it? :)

We had a maternity luncheon and that was cool getting to meet people just in that area. I didn't get much time talking about OB stuff, but I'm sure there will be time to think about it later. We also had an AE mixer type thing which was interesting getting to see people from all levels of the program. I talked to one lady who is finishing her doctorate in nursing. She was telling me about being an RA (research assistant) instead of a TA and I thought that sounded pretty interesting. You would just work with a professor on their research and not have to grade papers/have office hours so that would be a pretty sweet deal (of course the money too). I've been involved in research at the undergraduate level, so I think I might check it out next semester.

I also talked to one of my friends Rhonda about travel/abroad nursing because that is something that she and I are interested in - she was telling me about American Red Cross/Doctors without Borders/nursing in embassies and other programs that do this type of thing. She shares a love for traveling like me so we are really considering doing something like that...We'll see what the future holds for me....

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Fall semester...

I really can't believe that school starts tomorrow already. It's pretty crazy. This 10 day break was definitely not long enough. I have been going to school year-round for a while now: Spring 08 studying abroad, Summer 08 at MoCo, Fall 08 at UT, Winter Break 09 at MoCo, Spring 09 at UT, then started grad school this summer. It will continue like this until I am done with my program in December of 2011, so I guess I'm "getting used to it!"

This fall I am taking:

Nursing Responses to Physiological Alterations in Health - aka Patho - (lecture)
Concept Bases of Mental Health Nursing - aka Psych - (lecture and clinical)
Adult Health Nursing I - (lecture, skills and clinical)

It's going to be crazy busy that it will feel like forever, but at the same time it will fly by. I'm at least going to make time for myself and having fun too - if not then it would be way more stressful than needed. We'll see how it goes tomorrow!

Monday, August 24, 2009


Since studying abroad, I really wanted to make an effort to travel more often when I got home. I think that I could have definitely traveled more, but I'm glad that I have had the opportunities to travel since then. I went to Laramie, WY in January 09 and toured New England (Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Vermont, Connecticut, and Rhode Island) in May 09. Some of my friends from studying abroad have also come and visit me so that has been cool.

Right now I am trying to plan 2 more trips in 2010 around the same times as 2009 because I have breaks from school. Also because my program is year around, it makes it harder to find times to schedule things. So this is what it looks like (hopefully) - Seattle/Vancouver January 2010 and Illinois/Wisconsin/Michigan in May of 2010. I hope that this works out - as of now one flight is $258 and the other is $208 so that is pretty good!!

I have also considered going abroad as a nurse - I don't know where or how - but I think it would be an amazing experience. God has led me to where I am so far and it's in His hands. I was just thinking about that since a lot of people that I know are starting medical school last/this week. I wonder if I would have been among them if I would have stayed pre-med. I'm definitely happy where I am though and I think it's the right place for me! :)

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Textbooks for school are SO expensive - I know that A LOT of work goes into writing it all, getting the pictures/charts, researching, updating, revising, etc - but really?!?

Anyways, I'm glad that for the fall semester I only have to buy 2 books - one for psych nursing and an IV book. Yes! Only $100. I just went and visited Kelsey who got into vet school and her friend was saying that all the textbooks they need (new) were retailed around $1100. Shoot!

Hanging out at Scholz's Garten after clinicals
Picture of Mrs. Davis's clinical group one day
Me, Kels, and Monica at their new house!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Introducing My Friends...

I thought that this would be a cool addition to my blog. I'm always interested in meeting new people and learning about their lives. Here are some of the people that I have met so far...(in no particular order)

Kristin - I remember first meeting her on the orientation day. She said, "I study alone. I'm not going to be in any study groups..." I was like...hmm this she is going to be hard to work with. The next day I see her joining a study group. haha. I think she is definitely full of surprises! :) But really, she makes me crack up at the most random times and she's definitely going to be my drinking buddy. haha.

Cindy - I think I first met her by going up to her and introducing myself. I also hung out with her at Trudy's and she was involved in Campus Crusade for Life (Stephanie's sister is a part of this now so Stephanie and I talked about this and I thought it was cool!). She was in my clinical group this summer and I got to know her better. She's a calm person who can definitely bring a smile to my face. Everytime I would say hello and talk to her, she was super sweet. She also says that I have a lot of energy and am crazy so that makes me happy because I normally feel like I don't. :)

Natalie - The first time I officially met Natalie was when we went on a group floating trip down the Comal River. I said, "I know we haven't officially met, but I know that you are Natalie." She replied, "And I know that you are Emily." haha. Good introduction, I know. But anyways we were also in the same summer clinical group. Poor Natalie had to get all my texts/calls freaking out about our nursing process report. She is such a great friend and sport for putting up with me. Her little dog named Cookie is also awesome. I can't wait to keep hanging out with her because she is a good listener, knows how to laugh and have fun, and has a great personality!

Eddie - I first met Eddie at the orientation and he was just talking up a storm. I loved it. This guy is just too much. He seriously cracks me up all the time and is one of the nicest people. He makes you feel so special and loved!! Best hugger! But really, he is the life of the party and is always smiling. I also try to speak Spanish with him...but I'm not too good. Can't wait to see you again Eddie!

Catherine - I first met her the first week that we went to Trudy's and I liked her right away. She is so laid back and nonjudgmental and I really like that about her. She is also caring and has good stories (about a guy coming into her house at night...actually scary). I haven't seen her in a while, but I know that we will reunite!! hah.

Emily - I was freaking out the first day of school (lame I know) when I didn't have a study group. The next day Emily turned around to the row where I was sitting and said, "Hey, want to make a study group and split up the objectives?" I was thinking...hell yeah. This girl is awesome. haha. Whenever I am stressing, Emily is definitely there to talk to and makes me feel better! She's one of those friends that you don't have to talk to all the time, but then you just pick right back up where you left off.

Stephanie - I met her on the very first lecture day and she was so nice. I then followed her into our classroom and sat in the seat directly next to her. She probably thought I was a creeper since there were like 50 seats open. haha. She is so kind and thoughtful and I love that about her! She can make your day and it's awesome. I also think that sometimes she has random comments that make me crack up - she says that I make her feel like she is funny - but she really is!! :) She also knows all the really cool coffee shops all around town. I can always count on her and can't wait to hang out again.

I have made more friends, but I either don't know them that well or don't have a picture of them (that just makes it more fun and puts a face to a name). If I get a picture or something, I will definitely add on to this. I will continue to meet people, get to know them more, and cherish every moment I get to spend with the wonderful people that God puts in my life.

New blog...

I was going to start this blog before I started graduate school, but it got really hectic, so I never had the chance. Long story short...

Dec 08 - applied to graduate school
Feb 09 - got accepted to graduate school
May 09 - graduated UT with my Bachelor's degree in HDFS
June 09 - started nursing/grad school
Aug 09 - finished my first semester

This leads me to where I am currently. I just completed my first semester of nursing school. It was such a mix of emotions throughout the entire summer semester. I don't really think we knew what we got ourselves into. It was exciting, new, challenging, stressful, draining, and exhilarating all at once. At one point I really was about to break down writing a 50-page nursing process report. My friend Natalie and I were so delirious writing this for hours straight. Now that I look back, it's rather hilarious and I definitely won't forget it.

Firstly, the people in my program are wonderful to say the least. The nursing school did a great job hand-picking students to join their program. I'm proud to say that I belong to this class of future nurses. Secondly, the class the summer was a whirlwind. The first part was lecture and learning a full head-to-toe assessment (we will actually go into greater detail this upcoming semester too). The second portion was skills and the last portion was clinicals.

It would take forever to describe it all since it is now over - but I plan on writing around once a week from now on so that it won't be so abbreviated. I am just glad that I survived the first semester and have a lot more to look forward to.