Friday, August 28, 2009

Started School

The first week (well...half of a week) of the semester is done! It felt so much longer though. I don't know how I am going to survive W-F and I barely even did that much! On top of that I have clinicals on Mondays and Tuesdays from around 6:30-15:00 - wow. I am going to be absolutely exhausted!!! (I also signed up for a hip-hop aerobics class so I will probably be dragging...haha).

It's hard to tell so far how everything will go/which classes are going to be tough/which ones I like/don't like. Once again, I am just going to try and keep an open mind going into the different areas, learning new things, and working with new and different people. Learning experiences all around! I just know that there is going to be a ton of reading and writing, but then again that is grad school isn't it? :)

We had a maternity luncheon and that was cool getting to meet people just in that area. I didn't get much time talking about OB stuff, but I'm sure there will be time to think about it later. We also had an AE mixer type thing which was interesting getting to see people from all levels of the program. I talked to one lady who is finishing her doctorate in nursing. She was telling me about being an RA (research assistant) instead of a TA and I thought that sounded pretty interesting. You would just work with a professor on their research and not have to grade papers/have office hours so that would be a pretty sweet deal (of course the money too). I've been involved in research at the undergraduate level, so I think I might check it out next semester.

I also talked to one of my friends Rhonda about travel/abroad nursing because that is something that she and I are interested in - she was telling me about American Red Cross/Doctors without Borders/nursing in embassies and other programs that do this type of thing. She shares a love for traveling like me so we are really considering doing something like that...We'll see what the future holds for me....


  1. Me too girl!!! Many of my nursing long term dreams are to take my skills abroad. Makes perfect sense that both you and Rhonda do too. I've found a few programs that we could go as nursing students as well. I'm hoping to go on one over Spring Break.. you should come too!!! So glad to have found your blog. I've taken a break from blogging lately, but you're inspiring me to start again! I'm so lucky to know you. YOU ARE SO AWESOME!

  2. Oh yeah you will have to tell me about the spring break thing for sure!!! You should definitely start again! It gives me time to just put some of my thoughts down... But really, thank you so much for your friendship. I love that you are so positive and give GREAT HUGS!!! :) Thank you for all the smiles Sharon, you always put me in a great mood!!
