Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Finally on Tuesday...

WOOHOOO finally doing a "Ten on Tuesday" on Tuesday. I am barely making it!!

1. What was/is your favorite live action (meaning not animated) kids movie?
Of course as soon as I see the word animated, that is all I can think of. Probably...the mouse on the motorcycle, the sandlot, or the indian in the cupboard. Haha those are the only "live" movies I can think of right now.

2. What is a bad habit you have? Are you working on breaking it?
Sometimes saying things before thinking. I am definitely getting better!

3. Describe your father in 3 words.
Loving, dedicated, talkative.

4. Which character in the Breakfast Club were you most like in the ’80s?
Considering I have only seen like 5 minutes on cable...I don't know any of the characters names in this. I know...it's a sin...but I don't really watch "old" movies.

5. Name 5 songs you know ALL the lyrics to.
I probably know way more than just 5 - but for sure - Bohemian Rhapsody, Remix to Ignition (haha), Beautiful Disaster, Roxanne, Laughing With.

6. Do you make pancakes from scratch or a box mix?
Is bisquick considered a box mix? haha I guess so. That's usually what I use.

7. What was your worst job ever? Why?
I haven't had that many jobs, but I would have to say being a hostess/waitress. People can be very rude, cheap, and picky! They also made me scrub the floors - like freaking Cinderella!

8. What was your favorite class in high school?
Favorite material - Spanish and A&P
Favorite because my friends - A&P, Spanish 2&3, Pre-calc
Favorite because the teacher was funny - Eng 4
Favorite sport - basketball
Favorite challenge - Calculus

9. Favorite summer guilty pleasure?
Definitely have to be Sno Beach - love that place!!! Always blue hawaiian on one side and the other side changes.

10. Please share your best money saving tip!
Using coupons, buying things on sale, and buying store brand. I have school loans right now and no income so I can't exactly save. I suggest putting money into retirement starting from the beginning though!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Once again...

Once again I am going to write "Ten on Tuesday" on Wednesday. I guess I have extra time on Wednesdays and not Tuesdays.

1. If you could trade lives with a celebrity for a day, who would it be and why?
I would have to say...Scarlett Johansson...for the sole reason that she is married to Ryan Reynolds :)

2. Do you prefer receiving handmade or store bought gifts? Be honest!
Probably a store bought gift. I love handmade cards though!

3. Would you rather camp or stay in a hotel?
It really depends on where it is, but in most instances I would say hotel.

4. What’s your favorite comfort food?
A LOT of them - chicken fried chicken and mac&cheese / for dessert - any blue bell ice cream

5. You’re having a really bad day at work. How do you unwind when you come home?
Listen to music, search around on the internet, text my friends, eat a snack...oh wait...this is what I do pretty much everyday

6. What’s your favorite chore? (Or, the chore you hate the least)
I guess if I have to choose - washing dishes isn't that bad (unless I didn't have a dishwasher...I would HATE doing it for every piece of kitchenware I owned)

7. What got you interested in blogging?
I had a blog when I studied abroad and now that I am in grad school I thought I would start another one. It's just a form of writing I like - since I can write about anything.

8. Are you currently reading a book? What is it?
Surprisingly, I am not currently reading a book, but I am an avid reader when I have the chance. Kind of sad...but I just counted and I have 20 books stacked up in my room waiting to be read.

9. Do you have a favorite artist?
I don't know much about artists - so probably Ansel Adams (photographer) because I saw some of his work at UT. I also liked Gaudi (architect) when I visited Barcelona.

10. Have you ever met someone famous?
Not that I can remember...so if I did...I guess they weren't all that cool to remember. I did go to a Rocket's game and high fived Yao Ming and Steve Francis.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Summer Session...

So I haven't written in a while about my life/school. I finished the spring semester - hung out in Austin for about a week, went back to Montgomery, then took a trip to Milwaukee/Chicago. As soon as I got back to Austin, I babysat after traveling all day. I then had to wake up early the next morning to speak at the incoming AE orientation. We went tubing down the river the next day and then school started. Wow. What a "break."

This semester has been interesting - I am in Public Health Nursing until July 8th, so only 2 weeks left! It hasn't been as busy as before, even though its all this work/info in only 5 weeks. However, there are no tests, so that is awesome! My professor in this class has been great!

Coming up is integration - doing the whole nurse's schedule for 5 weeks straight. We find out our placement next week.... I seriously hope I get a maternity spot. I'll try to make the best of any situation. :)

I have been working very diligently on the upcoming (in 2 months) pinning ceremony for the AE class. It is a big undertaking with lots of preparation, but it will SO be worth it. I can't wait!! The date is set for August 27th. We have a lot left to do, but have been on top of everything so far, so I hope it continues.

Other than that, I have been staying busy babysitting these past couple of weeks. I also started working out with my friend Selah that is in my program and lives down the street. Today was our 6th day to do it, so we are really trying to continue this and just become healthier people! I also started back up volunteering at the Mother's Milk Bank for the summer. I am also going to do an online review for the NCLEX with a few friends. I feel like I have forgotten a lot of info since it has gone by so quickly.... I can't even imagine clinical when I haven't seen a patient in...7 weeks. CRAZY.

I realized I have barely taken an pictures this summer so far....that's so unlike me...here is one though -

Lindsay and I at the Sigma Theta Tau Induction (Nursing Honor Society)

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Ten on Tuesday

Dangit! Once again, I forgot to do this yesterday so maybe I should rename it - but I also can't think of a name right now...

Anyways, on to the questions:

1. What does your car say about you? If you don’t have a car, what kind of car would be your daily driver?
I absolutely love my truck (only bad thing is gas mileage), but it is really funny when I pull up and people are like, "you have a truck?!" Like in awe and surprise. haha.

2. To this point, what has been your purpose on this planet?
Wow, deep question. I would have to say just helping people out as much as I can and trying to bring joy/ease to their lives - with my patients in nursing, my friends, creating a mentor program, etc.

3. If you could trade places with any person for any amount of time, who would it be?
Good question. Probably the lead of a musical on Broadway in NY because that would be absolutely amazing to me.

4. What is your favorite kind of cake? If you don’t like cake, what is it about it that you don’t like?
I love fun-fetti cake!! And with the icing that has the funfetti chunks in it.

5. Would you have wanted to live in your parents’, grandparents’ or great-grandparents’ generation or only your own?
Life was definitely more simple then, but I like where I am now in this generation.

6. Do you have any home remedies for illnesses, cleaning or otherwise?
umm...no. I prefer the OTC route or going to the doctor. Cleaning - that happens rarely, and when I do do it its just with clorox, etc.

7. What is your ideal weather situation?
I think I would have to say - fall weather (not TX fall...haha), where you can wear jeans and a t-shirt - maybe a light jacket. If not that, then shorts with a long-sleeve T.

8. What is your best attribute (physical or personal)?
This is kind of hard - I would rather someone else answer this - but probably my eyes/smile/making people laugh.

9. Do you text or surf while driving?
Unfortunately, I said I wouldn't do this, but I sometimes do. It's mainly at stop lights now because they last so long so I check my email quickly.

10. How long have you known your best friend?
Depends on what best friend we are talking about. Best friends in Conroe - known since 4th grade. Best friends from Montgomery - known one since like 1st grade and the others since 10th grade. Undergrad best friends - since 2005. Grad school best friends since 2009.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Ten on ?Wednesday

Well I didn't have time/forgot to do this yesterday (and I didn't do it the week before because I was leaving for my flight). Anyways, here it is a little late!

1. What is your favorite piece of furniture in your house?
Well none of the furniture in the whole house is mine except in my room, so I would have to say my bed. I love a good sleep.

2. If it was raining so hard on a Saturday that you couldn’t leave your house, what would you spend the day doing?
Reading books, watching my recorded TV shows, doing homework probably. Nothing too exciting, but just relaxing or trying to get work done.

3. What was your favorite candy as a child?
Probably skittles - I am more of a fruit candy person rather than chocolate I think. If I only had chocolate - baby ruth.

4. Did you get an allowance? What was it based on? What did you do with it?
Nope, no allowance here! Intrinsic motivation.

5. Do you have a favorite Etsy store?
Am I supposed to know what this means?

6. Do you prefer time with family or time with friends?
A little of both so I don't get tired of one or the other

7. Looney Tunes, Tiny Toons, or Animaniacs?
hmmmm I didn't watch these all that often - probably animaniacs though

8. Best daytime talk show: Oprah, Ellen, The Doctors, Tyra (ha!), Dr. Oz, or Dr. Phil?
I don't watch any of these either....I would probably say back in the day I watched Oprah and Dr. Phil. I have only seen The Doctors a few times, but I like the topics they have.

9. Would you rather have the power of invisibility or the ability to fly?
Ability to fly (even though I am scared of heights). I don't really see invisibility coming in handy all that often - more negative things like hearing things you weren't supposed to hear (some things are meant to keep to yourself)

10. Name 1 thing you love about being an adult.
Being able to be on a different level intellectually and emotionally than in childhood - understanding things and seeing things differently. If you want to go for a less philosophical answer - drinking. :)