Saturday, December 11, 2010

Top Movies

So I decided one thing I might try to do (over Christmas break...if I can) is to watch some of the top rated movies. I looked online on IMDB (Internet Movie Database) and a few other websites to see which movies they thought/or were rated by thousands of people to be the best movies.

The thing is....I'm not much of an "old movie" type person and of course that was mainly what was I think I will merge some of the overall movies with some of the best of 2000s and also Academy Award Best Picture Winners. As for now, here is the list I have come up with (not in any particular order):

1. The Godfather
2. Schindler's List
3. Shawshank Redemption
4. The Graduate
5. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
6. The Dark Knight
7. Pulp Fiction
8. Fight Club
9. Momento
10. The Pianist
11. WALL-E
12. Requiem for a Dream
13. The Hurt Locker
14. Crash
15. It's A Wonderful Life
16. Gone With the Wind
17. Chicago
18. A Beautiful Mind
19. Rain Man
20. The Prestige
21. The English Patient
22. City of God
23. Psycho
24. The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
25. The Goonies - courtesy of Kristin - haha

There are others listed, but they either really don't appeal to me (there are pretty much all the Star Wars movies, Lord of the Rings, and older ones I'm not 100% interested in) or I have already seen them (The Departed, ET, Toy Story 3, Hotel Rwanda, Slumdog Millionaire, Million Dollar Baby, Forrest Gump, Gladiator, Up, The Silence of the Lambs, The Wizard of Oz, Inception, etc).

You might be is going to be expensive to watch all those movies...welllll I got Netflix for free for one month and if I can't finish then it is only $10/month after that, so definitely a great deal.

WOOHOO - what grad school is really about...

So I am done with my first semester after getting my RN license - I guess technically my first semester of real grad classes. They were definitely a "different sort" of classes and I had no clinicals so that was interesting too. I really think I learned "what grad school is about" this really is about asking questions, seeking out information and answers, problem solving, exploring, and finding your interests/niche. Although grades are important, they don't play that large of a part in your own individual learning now.

We had a project for one of my classes and it was pertaining to Mercer's Maternal Role Attainment Theory (now Becoming a Mother). In a separate class, we had read an article written by Mercer and Walker - and guess what? Dr. Walker actually teaches at UT. I had the bright idea of randomly going to her office to talk with her about the theory. It was definitely a highlight of this semester. Having these resources available, seeking them out, and having an intellectual conversation of mutual interest - what an amazing experience!! And it was all just of my own doing, my own curiosity - and the great thing was was that I was able to hold my own...I conversed with one of the most well known maternal researchers - I could contribute to the conversation and even challenge her thinking! It was wonderful connecting with people and experiencing true scholarly discou
rse. I won't forget it.

Now I have a 5-6 week break before classes start again so what am I going to do with all this free time now? As for now, I am attending multiple holiday parties - wooohooo. I will also spend time with the fam doing Christmas stuff of course. Another big thing is that two of my best friends from high school are getting married in January - so I have a few events for that! I'm also touring new AE applicants around the nursing school and talking with them about my experiences in the program thus far. I really enjoy working with students and can't wait to do it as a job one day!

Break so far: (I don't have a camera anymore because mine is broken....sad days)

Nursing Party - at a beautiful home - me with Kim & Sam

Cheesecake Factory - me & Kristin

The only place I get desserts - Cheesecake Factory - holiday peppermint!

Monday, November 15, 2010


I don't say it often, because I know that I am blessed and not really deserving of anything. What have I done that is so special to deserve the best or really anything....? but secretly I know I am worthy. I know I am deserving. I know that I am intelligent, dedicated, and hard working. Others are blind to this...

It can be very frustrating. I want others to see this in me and see how much passion and ambition I have. A little voice is yelling inside me - COME ON SEE ME FOR WHAT I AM WORTH! But then again, does it really matter what others think? Unfortunately in our world, it usually does...

Friday, November 5, 2010


Just to inform everyone - I had my first real headache today. Shocking I know... And I caused it myself because I was stressing out too much.

I feel bad for people that headaches often: hard to concentrate, hurts, etc. Sad day.

Thursday, October 28, 2010


So I was thinking about my life lately and a question kind of arose from this: can you be too ambitious? At first I was like, no, ambition is such a great thing...but then when I started to think even also needs to be combined with the concept of "realism" Going after things that you want or would like to do and putting a lot of energy into them is awesome. Doing this though without any boundaries or taking on too many lofty projects, not as awesome. So I guess it's a fine balance of doing things that you can handle and doing them well. It's kind of like would you rather be mediocre at a lot of things or really good at one thing...good question.

I think this came up just because sometimes I feel really busy, but sometimes I am just sitting around not really doing anything. It kind of depends on what is going in those down times I start little projects or really become interested in something. Then I have a lot of stuff going on, so maybe some of those might fade away.

I hope that I can find my real passion that will stick with me forever - because as of right now - I have a lot of things that I like to do. Maybe I shouldn't be restricted to just one passion or be great at one thing. Maybe I'm meant to be great at a lot of things...I don't really know. I guess I will just have to see where my life leads me. :)

Thursday, October 21, 2010

OH you know...

Sometimes I think about the amazing resources that I have around me. I am blessed to be in the position I am in right now. Education has become a passion of mine and I've become fairly involved in it recently - now its just time for me to put this to practice!! I kind of might have a potential job in the hospital so I want to wait and see about that before I apply for a TA position.

Anyway, I spoke with one of my professors today about being a teacher and you could just see the joy radiating from her. I aspire to be like that - passionate, educated, intelligent, creative, caring, etc. I want my students to really GET something from my class and remember that experience for a long time... and she said this interesting statement "you have to like being a student to like being a teacher." And I think this is true - you like learning new things, you like interacting with people, you like courses and academia, you like the experience and feelings you get from being at school or learning something new. If you hate going to school as a student, whoever says you are going to want to go back (as a teacher...everyday)?!

I just am thankful for the people that I surround myself with and the positivity and passion they bring to life. I can't stand all the negativity and complaining that has been going on in some of them lately - so its sad but I just don't talk to them as often. We have so much to be thankful for, so find something to be thankful for and just leave it at that.

Totally random but I am going to THE HOUSE OF TORMENT tonight, so am a tad bit freaked out. haha. Especially if I see this pop out at me...
Scary? I know...

Monday, October 18, 2010


So its official - I changed my advanced pathophysiology to pass/fail. It took me a long time to decide, but I thought it is better to just pass than stress myself out studying stuff like this...

Monday, October 11, 2010

"First grad school semester"

So I know I have been in grad school for 4 semesters already, but this is the first one that our group is split up - and we are with different students (Nurse Practitioners students, PhD, MSN, etc). It has definitely been an interesting experience and plus I have no skills or clinical classes, so it gives me extra "free time." haha. I know it is spent on reading, writing, and presenting since that is apparently what grad school is all about.

So far though, I really like it. It pushes you to be self-motivating and find things that are particularly interesting to you. I like seeing different peoples' perspectives and having a variety of classes I am not used to (it is kind of sad being away from my whole AE group, but it makes it all the more fun when we see each other and it hasn't been for a long time). The only thing is that everyone is now getting jobs so it's even more hectic trying to get's also like you are seeing all the people around you getting jobs...and you aren't. I have mixed feelings about this - I am still in full time school and I don't know if I am ready to take on a full time job too - this is what so many people have done already. I would have time for nothing!! And the fact is then they complain/moan/bitch about school and how they don't like anything about it - or they even try and get dates moved back on assignments (or maybe just ask for no points to be taken off for late work). Is this really fair? I mean come on, you decided you needed a full time job too. I don't know, it just kind of makes me a little mad just because I am in some classes with them and the fact that I have a pretty optimistic personality. Can you really not find ANYTHING you like about grad school?

Anyways, "off my soapbox" as Barbara Moore would say. So I can't believe that the course schedule for spring is already coming out this week - what? so this semester is almost half over? haha. crazy. I will graduate before I know it - that will be an amazing day!! :)

So with this "free time" I have now, I am now the MSN representative for the Graduate Studies Committee at the UT School of Nursing. All the tenure faculty are on this board and then two student representatives (one MSN and one PhD). They discuss graduate curriculum, etc and I have my first meeting in a week or so, so that is exciting! I also signed up for 7-8 teaching classes, about 2 hours each, to learn more about teaching as a graduate student! I hope to get a TA position...and eventually become a professor. I know how much teachers have influenced my life and I can't wait to have students of my own! So in saying foundations of nursing education class is definitely a standout and my favorite class this semester.

As for my personal life - still working out about 4-5 times a week. I lost about 20-25 pounds so far so thats exciting. Today was the first day that I ran for 20 minutes straight - I can't believe I started at 1 min and have increased to that! Maybe I will sign up for a 5k or something soon. We'll see. :)

A lot is on my mind and plate right now, so I am just getting through it day-by-day. I am definitely thankful for my life and what I have been blessed with.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010



Ten on Tuesday

This one was about traveling, which I love, so decided to do it! (Plus I am avoiding reading for school today) :)

1. Favorite way to travel (plane, train, automobile, etc.)
I like them all - but if my end point was something like NY - I would prefer to fly (unless it was like a week long road trip and you stop a lot of places in between).

2. Where’s your favorite place to travel to that you’ve been to?
Oh man....a tough one. Austria is probably the most beautiful place in the world that I have been to so far. I loved Greece too.

3. Where’s the place that you want to go but have never been?
SO MANY!! Back to Europe, Turkey, China, Thailand, Australia, Hawaii, Costa Rica, back to Canada, DC, this could go on forever

4. Do you deal with traffic well?
Yeah sometimes - I just hate wasting gas since I have a truck.

5. Ever had an emergency while traveling?
Not that I can recall - but I barfed a lot on a plane ride once. Gross. Oh and on a church conference one year, my old Pastor had to fly home immediately because his wife went into labor.

6. Do you have a passport? What countries have you been to?
YES! US, Canada, Germany, England, Austria, Greece, Slovenia, Croatia, Italy, Czech Republic, Vatican City, Spain

7. Are you’ve light packer or do you pack everything but the kitchen sink?
In the middle - I can get rid of stuff - but I usually pack a lot

8. Do you take the fastest route or the road less traveled?
Fastest - unless I purposely want to go a longer more scenic route because of the beauty/drive

9. Do any activities on the road? (like road games, reading, sleeping, etc. )
I pretty much can't sleep anywhere unless I am flat, so sleeping is usually out. Sometimes I read if I am a passenger obviously :) I like to just listen to CDs and sing my heart out!

10. Use a paper map or GPS?
Probably paper, but if not then Google Maps on my iPhone.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Ten on Tuesday...

and we're back.... :)

1. Where did you go to college?

I completed my B.S. in Human Development and Family Sciences with a concentration in families and personal relationships at the best school - The University of Texas at Austin. I also took a few summer classes at Lonestar College in The Woodlands. I am still currently at UT getting my Masters Degree in Nursing :)

2. What did you study?

Read above. It was just easier to write it out like that.

3. Was college really all that it was cracked up to be?

Hell yeah....and more. Definitely the best experience of my life - which includes studying abroad.

4. How far were you from home?

150 miles.

5. Did you have the same roomate all four years?

Nope, but close. My freshman year it was Taylor. Then my sophomore, junior, and senior years it was Caitlin. My sister also joined in my senior year.

6. Where did you order food from at 2am?

I didn't order food that late. I would go downtown and then eat Taco C after.

7. Did you date in college or were you tied down?

Not really either.

8. Funniest drunk college moment?

Oh goodness - way too many of those.

9. Did you make it to class on time?

Yes, I can (almost) say I never skipped classes and was (almost) never late. If I am in the class, I want to learn and get a good grade, so I was there on time. It's also just respectful.

10. What was your favorite class in college?

A lot of them. Top ones - Family Relationships with Dr. Loving, Parent-Child Relationships with Dr. Dix, my research practicum, A&P, Children's Lit, Individual DIfferences, and Music.

Grad School - pretty much all of them but not so much adult health. Gotta love the moms, kids and babies! :)

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Done with Integration!!

So I am done with integration - wow - that 5 weeks flew by! I had an amazing time. I loved my placement and preceptor. It worked out perfectly that I was placed last out of all the maternity people because I'm sure I got the best placement. When talking to some of my other friends, their nurse was with them 24/7 in all the patients rooms, etc. my nurse let me be super independent. I really liked that because I got to organize my day, go see the patients - just basically think things out on my own. I know that was the point since we are going to be independent nurses - well actually...I guess we technically can work as nurses now that we are done with all our RN coursework, but I was so grateful for that. I will really miss all the nurses on the floor and pretty much everything about it. It's weird because I would be going to the hospital in like 4.5 hours if I wasn't done. :(

Now onto fall!! A lot of things are coming up. One big one including the pinning ceremony I have been working on since about February. So much planning and collaboration has gone into this and it is coming together. (It better be...since its in less than 2 weeks...and peoples families are even coming in from out of state). No pressure or anything. I'm also pretty nervous about speaking in front of approx 150-175 people.

After that, I will be taking the NCLEX (state boards) sometime in September. I wish I could just go ahead and pick the date so that I knew when it would be. It's also a few of my good friends in the program birthdays - actually 4 of them have a birthday in August and September so hopefully that bring some fun among the studying! I also made a movie for my friends that we have been putting off watching since we all had totally different schedules during integration.

I haven't even mentioned my fall classes yet. haha. I am in 4 classes M-W and none of them have clinicals...this will be an interesting experience. I feel a lot of reading, writing, and presenting coming up. It'll be a totally different feel since it will be the graduate school work now. Hmmmm. Updates to follow.

The UT seal for our pinning ceremony program!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Earlier Post

I had written this right when I started Integration and I guess forgot to post it. It wasn't finished, but I will go ahead and post it.

So I just started integration last week. It is a preceptorship for 5 weeks where we do the entire nurse's schedule and eventually take all of their patients - getting ready for us to become nurses. I take the boards in 2 months! Crazy. I then have a little over a yr to then get my MSN. I'm sure it will fly by.

About integration - I am placed at South Austin Hospital in Postpartum. This is a much smaller hospital than I am used to. The other hospital I did my maternity rotation at had about 60 beds and this one has 19 (PP). It's kind of nice, but probably as much doesn't go on here. I am doing one day shift and the other two shifts a week are nights. Nights are also totally different for me and so much quieter on the floor!! So far I like it, but it's not my favorite. We'll see as the time goes on. I have been thinking about that recently - just what area I want to be in, what city, etc. I've kind of been having conflicting thoughts. I really love maternity, but I love a lot of other things too: pediatrics, adult ER, and psych. At the same time, I love how in nursing you can choose whatever area you want - and then switch later if you are tired of it!

Other than my integration, I am staying busy with studying for the NCLEX. Two of my friends and I bought a review online and have been doing that about once a week.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Ten on Tuesday...again on time!

1. What is the worst movie you have ever seen?
Probably Jeepers Creepers 2 and I also fell asleep during The Notebook and The Avaitor - heaven forbid!!

2. Do you have a favorite Disney/Pixar film?
A favorite....umm yeah ALL. I absolutely loved the new Toy Story (3). I also love Finding Nemo, Monsters Inc, and Up. Ok that is pretty much all of them. haha.

3. Do you have a favorite movie from the 80′s?
This is kind of like a ? before. I don't really watch "old movies." Well I just looked up The Shining to see when that was made and it was 1980 - so there we go!

4. Are there any movies you saw more than once in the theater?
Hmmmm. Probably not. I can be a penny-pincher and especially for $10 a movie. I can almost say with certainty I have not seen a movie again in the theaters at least in the last 6 years. Some of my friends though are like - "yeah, Harry Potter for the 8th time...." um no.

5. What is one city/area of the US (or country you live if you do not live in the US) that you have not seen but would like to see?
Oh gosh, I want to go everywhere. My top 2 choices now are Northern California and Washington DC.

6. What are your favorite toppings on an Ice Cream Sundae?
I'm not much of a topping person. I LOVE ice cream for what it is. If I had to chose, I guess caramel.

7. How many proms did you go to? What color was your prom dress? If you went to multiple proms, what color was your favorite prom dress?
I went to 2 proms. I had a shiny red/maroon-ish dress my junior year. My senior year it was black and short and I loved it.

8. Is there a sport or extra-curricular activity that you didn’t get to try as a child that you wish you would have? (e.g. gymnastics, piano lessons, ballet, etc.)
I got to do a lot - dance, piano, saxophone, basketball, volleyball, etc. Maybe I would have wanted to do acting classes.

9. How many siblings do you have? Are you the oldest, middle, or youngest?
1 younger sister, so I am the oldest. A lot of my personality totally goes with this - take it for what its worth. :)

10. Do you feel like you fit in with your age group? Or do you feel younger/older than your age group?
Sometimes I do. I sometimes feel like an old grandma that has a great perspective on life and what am I doing in this body. haha. Other times though I just want to play around like an 8 year old and be a kid forever. So I guess it works out that I am 23. :) (Oh and a psychic once told me that I have a much older soul).

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Ten on Tuesday...

Yay! I just remembered to do this on Tuesday, and yes I have been very busy this Tuesday!

1. If given the oppotunity, would you choose a mediocre job that paid well or your dream job that paid poorly?
I would probably choose dream job that paid poorly. I would rather love going to work everyday and doing things I love than be rich. Perhaps my husband will be the one bringing in the money anyway :)

2. What is your favorite thing about the 4th of July? (For the foreigners: What is your impression of the 4th of July?)
Fireworks! I just watched the ones in downtown Austin from Congress Bridge - pretty cool. I also love having things cooked on the grill and then eating watermelon!

3. What’s the most random fact you know about American history?
This question is random...that's for sure. I don't know much about regular facts, so this is a hard one. Skip.

4. What is the best fireworks display you’ve ever seen?
I really like the Lake Conroe one - out on your boat and "I'm Proud to be an American" playing

5. Who taught you how to put on makeup?
haha. I think myself and probably from watching my mom and friends.

6. Have you ever gone through a financial planning process? Tell us about it.
Ummm. no? My consists of writing down approximations for monthly expenses and getting out that much in a loan. :)

7. What was your favorite outfit as a kid? Bonus points for pictures
hahahha. I WISH I had a picture of this. I know I definitely have it somewhere too. The first thing that came to mind was a blue flowery jumpsuit that I loved. hahahha. oh the 90s!

8. Do you prefer a beach, lake, swimming pool, or no water?
Depends. Love listening to the water at the beach and finding shells. However, salt water = yucky and sand is stuck everywhere. Lake - cool if you are hanging out on the boat, water skiing, etc. Pool - just to lay by and then jump in when you get hot!

9. Do you recycle? If not, why?
No. Sad day. They don't have it at my apartment. We should get this though because I would definitely do it! We make so much trash. I use reusable bags at the grocery store every time though.

10. What are your thoughts and feelings about the Twilight Saga?
Love the books. Read them before it got all crazy. It's a great mindless/fun read. Movies = suck. The only thing good about them is seeing how hot Jacob is. :)

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Finally on Tuesday...

WOOHOOO finally doing a "Ten on Tuesday" on Tuesday. I am barely making it!!

1. What was/is your favorite live action (meaning not animated) kids movie?
Of course as soon as I see the word animated, that is all I can think of. Probably...the mouse on the motorcycle, the sandlot, or the indian in the cupboard. Haha those are the only "live" movies I can think of right now.

2. What is a bad habit you have? Are you working on breaking it?
Sometimes saying things before thinking. I am definitely getting better!

3. Describe your father in 3 words.
Loving, dedicated, talkative.

4. Which character in the Breakfast Club were you most like in the ’80s?
Considering I have only seen like 5 minutes on cable...I don't know any of the characters names in this. I's a sin...but I don't really watch "old" movies.

5. Name 5 songs you know ALL the lyrics to.
I probably know way more than just 5 - but for sure - Bohemian Rhapsody, Remix to Ignition (haha), Beautiful Disaster, Roxanne, Laughing With.

6. Do you make pancakes from scratch or a box mix?
Is bisquick considered a box mix? haha I guess so. That's usually what I use.

7. What was your worst job ever? Why?
I haven't had that many jobs, but I would have to say being a hostess/waitress. People can be very rude, cheap, and picky! They also made me scrub the floors - like freaking Cinderella!

8. What was your favorite class in high school?
Favorite material - Spanish and A&P
Favorite because my friends - A&P, Spanish 2&3, Pre-calc
Favorite because the teacher was funny - Eng 4
Favorite sport - basketball
Favorite challenge - Calculus

9. Favorite summer guilty pleasure?
Definitely have to be Sno Beach - love that place!!! Always blue hawaiian on one side and the other side changes.

10. Please share your best money saving tip!
Using coupons, buying things on sale, and buying store brand. I have school loans right now and no income so I can't exactly save. I suggest putting money into retirement starting from the beginning though!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Once again...

Once again I am going to write "Ten on Tuesday" on Wednesday. I guess I have extra time on Wednesdays and not Tuesdays.

1. If you could trade lives with a celebrity for a day, who would it be and why?
I would have to say...Scarlett Johansson...for the sole reason that she is married to Ryan Reynolds :)

2. Do you prefer receiving handmade or store bought gifts? Be honest!
Probably a store bought gift. I love handmade cards though!

3. Would you rather camp or stay in a hotel?
It really depends on where it is, but in most instances I would say hotel.

4. What’s your favorite comfort food?
A LOT of them - chicken fried chicken and mac&cheese / for dessert - any blue bell ice cream

5. You’re having a really bad day at work. How do you unwind when you come home?
Listen to music, search around on the internet, text my friends, eat a snack...oh wait...this is what I do pretty much everyday

6. What’s your favorite chore? (Or, the chore you hate the least)
I guess if I have to choose - washing dishes isn't that bad (unless I didn't have a dishwasher...I would HATE doing it for every piece of kitchenware I owned)

7. What got you interested in blogging?
I had a blog when I studied abroad and now that I am in grad school I thought I would start another one. It's just a form of writing I like - since I can write about anything.

8. Are you currently reading a book? What is it?
Surprisingly, I am not currently reading a book, but I am an avid reader when I have the chance. Kind of sad...but I just counted and I have 20 books stacked up in my room waiting to be read.

9. Do you have a favorite artist?
I don't know much about artists - so probably Ansel Adams (photographer) because I saw some of his work at UT. I also liked Gaudi (architect) when I visited Barcelona.

10. Have you ever met someone famous?
Not that I can if I did...I guess they weren't all that cool to remember. I did go to a Rocket's game and high fived Yao Ming and Steve Francis.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Summer Session...

So I haven't written in a while about my life/school. I finished the spring semester - hung out in Austin for about a week, went back to Montgomery, then took a trip to Milwaukee/Chicago. As soon as I got back to Austin, I babysat after traveling all day. I then had to wake up early the next morning to speak at the incoming AE orientation. We went tubing down the river the next day and then school started. Wow. What a "break."

This semester has been interesting - I am in Public Health Nursing until July 8th, so only 2 weeks left! It hasn't been as busy as before, even though its all this work/info in only 5 weeks. However, there are no tests, so that is awesome! My professor in this class has been great!

Coming up is integration - doing the whole nurse's schedule for 5 weeks straight. We find out our placement next week.... I seriously hope I get a maternity spot. I'll try to make the best of any situation. :)

I have been working very diligently on the upcoming (in 2 months) pinning ceremony for the AE class. It is a big undertaking with lots of preparation, but it will SO be worth it. I can't wait!! The date is set for August 27th. We have a lot left to do, but have been on top of everything so far, so I hope it continues.

Other than that, I have been staying busy babysitting these past couple of weeks. I also started working out with my friend Selah that is in my program and lives down the street. Today was our 6th day to do it, so we are really trying to continue this and just become healthier people! I also started back up volunteering at the Mother's Milk Bank for the summer. I am also going to do an online review for the NCLEX with a few friends. I feel like I have forgotten a lot of info since it has gone by so quickly.... I can't even imagine clinical when I haven't seen a patient in...7 weeks. CRAZY.

I realized I have barely taken an pictures this summer so far....that's so unlike is one though -

Lindsay and I at the Sigma Theta Tau Induction (Nursing Honor Society)