Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Ten on ?Wednesday

Well I didn't have time/forgot to do this yesterday (and I didn't do it the week before because I was leaving for my flight). Anyways, here it is a little late!

1. What is your favorite piece of furniture in your house?
Well none of the furniture in the whole house is mine except in my room, so I would have to say my bed. I love a good sleep.

2. If it was raining so hard on a Saturday that you couldn’t leave your house, what would you spend the day doing?
Reading books, watching my recorded TV shows, doing homework probably. Nothing too exciting, but just relaxing or trying to get work done.

3. What was your favorite candy as a child?
Probably skittles - I am more of a fruit candy person rather than chocolate I think. If I only had chocolate - baby ruth.

4. Did you get an allowance? What was it based on? What did you do with it?
Nope, no allowance here! Intrinsic motivation.

5. Do you have a favorite Etsy store?
Am I supposed to know what this means?

6. Do you prefer time with family or time with friends?
A little of both so I don't get tired of one or the other

7. Looney Tunes, Tiny Toons, or Animaniacs?
hmmmm I didn't watch these all that often - probably animaniacs though

8. Best daytime talk show: Oprah, Ellen, The Doctors, Tyra (ha!), Dr. Oz, or Dr. Phil?
I don't watch any of these either....I would probably say back in the day I watched Oprah and Dr. Phil. I have only seen The Doctors a few times, but I like the topics they have.

9. Would you rather have the power of invisibility or the ability to fly?
Ability to fly (even though I am scared of heights). I don't really see invisibility coming in handy all that often - more negative things like hearing things you weren't supposed to hear (some things are meant to keep to yourself)

10. Name 1 thing you love about being an adult.
Being able to be on a different level intellectually and emotionally than in childhood - understanding things and seeing things differently. If you want to go for a less philosophical answer - drinking. :)

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