1. What was/is your favorite live action (meaning not animated) kids movie?
Of course as soon as I see the word animated, that is all I can think of. Probably...the mouse on the motorcycle, the sandlot, or the indian in the cupboard. Haha those are the only "live" movies I can think of right now.
2. What is a bad habit you have? Are you working on breaking it?
Sometimes saying things before thinking. I am definitely getting better!
3. Describe your father in 3 words.
Loving, dedicated, talkative.
4. Which character in the Breakfast Club were you most like in the ’80s?
Considering I have only seen like 5 minutes on cable...I don't know any of the characters names in this. I know...it's a sin...but I don't really watch "old" movies.
5. Name 5 songs you know ALL the lyrics to.
I probably know way more than just 5 - but for sure - Bohemian Rhapsody, Remix to Ignition (haha), Beautiful Disaster, Roxanne, Laughing With.
6. Do you make pancakes from scratch or a box mix?
Is bisquick considered a box mix? haha I guess so. That's usually what I use.
7. What was your worst job ever? Why?
I haven't had that many jobs, but I would have to say being a hostess/waitress. People can be very rude, cheap, and picky! They also made me scrub the floors - like freaking Cinderella!
8. What was your favorite class in high school?
Favorite material - Spanish and A&P
Favorite because my friends - A&P, Spanish 2&3, Pre-calc
Favorite because the teacher was funny - Eng 4
Favorite sport - basketball
Favorite challenge - Calculus
9. Favorite summer guilty pleasure?
Definitely have to be Sno Beach - love that place!!! Always blue hawaiian on one side and the other side changes.
10. Please share your best money saving tip!
Using coupons, buying things on sale, and buying store brand. I have school loans right now and no income so I can't exactly save. I suggest putting money into retirement starting from the beginning though!