Thursday, October 28, 2010


So I was thinking about my life lately and a question kind of arose from this: can you be too ambitious? At first I was like, no, ambition is such a great thing...but then when I started to think even also needs to be combined with the concept of "realism" Going after things that you want or would like to do and putting a lot of energy into them is awesome. Doing this though without any boundaries or taking on too many lofty projects, not as awesome. So I guess it's a fine balance of doing things that you can handle and doing them well. It's kind of like would you rather be mediocre at a lot of things or really good at one thing...good question.

I think this came up just because sometimes I feel really busy, but sometimes I am just sitting around not really doing anything. It kind of depends on what is going in those down times I start little projects or really become interested in something. Then I have a lot of stuff going on, so maybe some of those might fade away.

I hope that I can find my real passion that will stick with me forever - because as of right now - I have a lot of things that I like to do. Maybe I shouldn't be restricted to just one passion or be great at one thing. Maybe I'm meant to be great at a lot of things...I don't really know. I guess I will just have to see where my life leads me. :)

Thursday, October 21, 2010

OH you know...

Sometimes I think about the amazing resources that I have around me. I am blessed to be in the position I am in right now. Education has become a passion of mine and I've become fairly involved in it recently - now its just time for me to put this to practice!! I kind of might have a potential job in the hospital so I want to wait and see about that before I apply for a TA position.

Anyway, I spoke with one of my professors today about being a teacher and you could just see the joy radiating from her. I aspire to be like that - passionate, educated, intelligent, creative, caring, etc. I want my students to really GET something from my class and remember that experience for a long time... and she said this interesting statement "you have to like being a student to like being a teacher." And I think this is true - you like learning new things, you like interacting with people, you like courses and academia, you like the experience and feelings you get from being at school or learning something new. If you hate going to school as a student, whoever says you are going to want to go back (as a teacher...everyday)?!

I just am thankful for the people that I surround myself with and the positivity and passion they bring to life. I can't stand all the negativity and complaining that has been going on in some of them lately - so its sad but I just don't talk to them as often. We have so much to be thankful for, so find something to be thankful for and just leave it at that.

Totally random but I am going to THE HOUSE OF TORMENT tonight, so am a tad bit freaked out. haha. Especially if I see this pop out at me...
Scary? I know...

Monday, October 18, 2010


So its official - I changed my advanced pathophysiology to pass/fail. It took me a long time to decide, but I thought it is better to just pass than stress myself out studying stuff like this...

Monday, October 11, 2010

"First grad school semester"

So I know I have been in grad school for 4 semesters already, but this is the first one that our group is split up - and we are with different students (Nurse Practitioners students, PhD, MSN, etc). It has definitely been an interesting experience and plus I have no skills or clinical classes, so it gives me extra "free time." haha. I know it is spent on reading, writing, and presenting since that is apparently what grad school is all about.

So far though, I really like it. It pushes you to be self-motivating and find things that are particularly interesting to you. I like seeing different peoples' perspectives and having a variety of classes I am not used to (it is kind of sad being away from my whole AE group, but it makes it all the more fun when we see each other and it hasn't been for a long time). The only thing is that everyone is now getting jobs so it's even more hectic trying to get's also like you are seeing all the people around you getting jobs...and you aren't. I have mixed feelings about this - I am still in full time school and I don't know if I am ready to take on a full time job too - this is what so many people have done already. I would have time for nothing!! And the fact is then they complain/moan/bitch about school and how they don't like anything about it - or they even try and get dates moved back on assignments (or maybe just ask for no points to be taken off for late work). Is this really fair? I mean come on, you decided you needed a full time job too. I don't know, it just kind of makes me a little mad just because I am in some classes with them and the fact that I have a pretty optimistic personality. Can you really not find ANYTHING you like about grad school?

Anyways, "off my soapbox" as Barbara Moore would say. So I can't believe that the course schedule for spring is already coming out this week - what? so this semester is almost half over? haha. crazy. I will graduate before I know it - that will be an amazing day!! :)

So with this "free time" I have now, I am now the MSN representative for the Graduate Studies Committee at the UT School of Nursing. All the tenure faculty are on this board and then two student representatives (one MSN and one PhD). They discuss graduate curriculum, etc and I have my first meeting in a week or so, so that is exciting! I also signed up for 7-8 teaching classes, about 2 hours each, to learn more about teaching as a graduate student! I hope to get a TA position...and eventually become a professor. I know how much teachers have influenced my life and I can't wait to have students of my own! So in saying foundations of nursing education class is definitely a standout and my favorite class this semester.

As for my personal life - still working out about 4-5 times a week. I lost about 20-25 pounds so far so thats exciting. Today was the first day that I ran for 20 minutes straight - I can't believe I started at 1 min and have increased to that! Maybe I will sign up for a 5k or something soon. We'll see. :)

A lot is on my mind and plate right now, so I am just getting through it day-by-day. I am definitely thankful for my life and what I have been blessed with.