Saturday, July 17, 2010

Earlier Post

I had written this right when I started Integration and I guess forgot to post it. It wasn't finished, but I will go ahead and post it.

So I just started integration last week. It is a preceptorship for 5 weeks where we do the entire nurse's schedule and eventually take all of their patients - getting ready for us to become nurses. I take the boards in 2 months! Crazy. I then have a little over a yr to then get my MSN. I'm sure it will fly by.

About integration - I am placed at South Austin Hospital in Postpartum. This is a much smaller hospital than I am used to. The other hospital I did my maternity rotation at had about 60 beds and this one has 19 (PP). It's kind of nice, but probably as much doesn't go on here. I am doing one day shift and the other two shifts a week are nights. Nights are also totally different for me and so much quieter on the floor!! So far I like it, but it's not my favorite. We'll see as the time goes on. I have been thinking about that recently - just what area I want to be in, what city, etc. I've kind of been having conflicting thoughts. I really love maternity, but I love a lot of other things too: pediatrics, adult ER, and psych. At the same time, I love how in nursing you can choose whatever area you want - and then switch later if you are tired of it!

Other than my integration, I am staying busy with studying for the NCLEX. Two of my friends and I bought a review online and have been doing that about once a week.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Ten on Tuesday...again on time!

1. What is the worst movie you have ever seen?
Probably Jeepers Creepers 2 and I also fell asleep during The Notebook and The Avaitor - heaven forbid!!

2. Do you have a favorite Disney/Pixar film?
A favorite....umm yeah ALL. I absolutely loved the new Toy Story (3). I also love Finding Nemo, Monsters Inc, and Up. Ok that is pretty much all of them. haha.

3. Do you have a favorite movie from the 80′s?
This is kind of like a ? before. I don't really watch "old movies." Well I just looked up The Shining to see when that was made and it was 1980 - so there we go!

4. Are there any movies you saw more than once in the theater?
Hmmmm. Probably not. I can be a penny-pincher and especially for $10 a movie. I can almost say with certainty I have not seen a movie again in the theaters at least in the last 6 years. Some of my friends though are like - "yeah, Harry Potter for the 8th time...." um no.

5. What is one city/area of the US (or country you live if you do not live in the US) that you have not seen but would like to see?
Oh gosh, I want to go everywhere. My top 2 choices now are Northern California and Washington DC.

6. What are your favorite toppings on an Ice Cream Sundae?
I'm not much of a topping person. I LOVE ice cream for what it is. If I had to chose, I guess caramel.

7. How many proms did you go to? What color was your prom dress? If you went to multiple proms, what color was your favorite prom dress?
I went to 2 proms. I had a shiny red/maroon-ish dress my junior year. My senior year it was black and short and I loved it.

8. Is there a sport or extra-curricular activity that you didn’t get to try as a child that you wish you would have? (e.g. gymnastics, piano lessons, ballet, etc.)
I got to do a lot - dance, piano, saxophone, basketball, volleyball, etc. Maybe I would have wanted to do acting classes.

9. How many siblings do you have? Are you the oldest, middle, or youngest?
1 younger sister, so I am the oldest. A lot of my personality totally goes with this - take it for what its worth. :)

10. Do you feel like you fit in with your age group? Or do you feel younger/older than your age group?
Sometimes I do. I sometimes feel like an old grandma that has a great perspective on life and what am I doing in this body. haha. Other times though I just want to play around like an 8 year old and be a kid forever. So I guess it works out that I am 23. :) (Oh and a psychic once told me that I have a much older soul).

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Ten on Tuesday...

Yay! I just remembered to do this on Tuesday, and yes I have been very busy this Tuesday!

1. If given the oppotunity, would you choose a mediocre job that paid well or your dream job that paid poorly?
I would probably choose dream job that paid poorly. I would rather love going to work everyday and doing things I love than be rich. Perhaps my husband will be the one bringing in the money anyway :)

2. What is your favorite thing about the 4th of July? (For the foreigners: What is your impression of the 4th of July?)
Fireworks! I just watched the ones in downtown Austin from Congress Bridge - pretty cool. I also love having things cooked on the grill and then eating watermelon!

3. What’s the most random fact you know about American history?
This question is random...that's for sure. I don't know much about regular facts, so this is a hard one. Skip.

4. What is the best fireworks display you’ve ever seen?
I really like the Lake Conroe one - out on your boat and "I'm Proud to be an American" playing

5. Who taught you how to put on makeup?
haha. I think myself and probably from watching my mom and friends.

6. Have you ever gone through a financial planning process? Tell us about it.
Ummm. no? My consists of writing down approximations for monthly expenses and getting out that much in a loan. :)

7. What was your favorite outfit as a kid? Bonus points for pictures
hahahha. I WISH I had a picture of this. I know I definitely have it somewhere too. The first thing that came to mind was a blue flowery jumpsuit that I loved. hahahha. oh the 90s!

8. Do you prefer a beach, lake, swimming pool, or no water?
Depends. Love listening to the water at the beach and finding shells. However, salt water = yucky and sand is stuck everywhere. Lake - cool if you are hanging out on the boat, water skiing, etc. Pool - just to lay by and then jump in when you get hot!

9. Do you recycle? If not, why?
No. Sad day. They don't have it at my apartment. We should get this though because I would definitely do it! We make so much trash. I use reusable bags at the grocery store every time though.

10. What are your thoughts and feelings about the Twilight Saga?
Love the books. Read them before it got all crazy. It's a great mindless/fun read. Movies = suck. The only thing good about them is seeing how hot Jacob is. :)