Thursday, January 28, 2010


(from a few days ago, that I forgot to post)

Well, so much for that - my first clinical was spent talking and then only walking around the unit for like 20 mins. MONDAY will then be my first real clinical! I am in PP 2 days, L&D 2 days, and Newborn 2 days - curious as to which one will stand out to me. There is a lot of work ahead!!

So I can't believe that I am going to be 23 tomorrow. What the heck? I am the youngest in my program, but feel so old!!! There are so many things still left for me to do in my life. Speaking of, Allison and I are starting an organization for the alternate entry students. I miss being in organizations, planning things, leading a group, etc - now is the time for this!!! When I was filling out my scholarship app I started thinking...dang...I am in no groups anymore...I need to do something. I really wanted to have a "pinning/graduation" celebration/ceremony for us finishing our coursework for our RN, so this is on the agenda for the new org. It is also going to include mentoring the incoming AE foundation year students!

Sunday, January 24, 2010



Monday, January 18, 2010

Spring Semester...huh?

How in the heck are 5 weeks of winter break already over? Do I really start school tomorrow? This can't be possible, but it is. As soon as I got back from Seattle, there was a flood of info/assignments/readings already assigned for the first days of school. Dang. There is no break in nursing/grad school....oh the days of undergrad...going into class and just reading the syllabus and more.

Well I'm still pretty excited about OB/peds!!!! Adult health 2...not much. haha. I wanted to come up with some goals or things that I would try to change about this upcoming semester, but as for now I don't have anything just yet. I'll have to think about it some more. I know that I am going to try to exercise during the week - I started out with that during the first month in the fall semester but then it got so crazy that I couldn't find time.

As for now, I should jump on the readings I have - oh wait - my book was stolen so I guess I'll find something else to do!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Break so far...

3 weeks already gone by of the break. It's gone by so fast. I've hung out with friends celebrating the end of the semester,

went to my first Chanukah party,

gone to one of my cousin's basketball games,

made Christmas cookies,

seen my dad's side of the family (and my new little cousin),

visited my mom,

saw my sister,

had the 6th annual Christmas part with my high school friends,

came back to Austin and went DT,

had a new year's eve party,
and am now resting. I've been really lazy today and watched a whole season (15 episodes) of Nip/Tuck. haha. I'm still in my PJs and its 2am. :) I guess I don't really have to change now to go to bed.

To tell the truth I am kind of ready to go back already. I've been a student for so many years, it seems weird to think I would do or be anything else. I'm sure I will then be saying in a couple of weeks that I am ready for another break. haha. BUT I do leave for Seattle in 4 days - yay! I'm excited about that - and getting to hopefully go to Vancouver.

16 days left of the break! Lots still left to do: dentist appt, try out Allison's new margarita machine, go bowling, trivia night, Seattle/Vancouver trip, buy textbooks, do scholarships apps, and probably more that I am just not thinking of right now. I'm going to make the best of the rest of the break!!