Thursday, October 29, 2009


Wow - so someone tell me how October is already over?!? That means that the end of the semester is that much closer!! 5 more weeks! Then only 2 semesters until I take the NCLEX (9.5 months to go). That is crazy.

School has pretty much consumed my life. In adult health clinical on Monday I get to go to the OR and PACU - yay something different than med-surg. My prof then said that I am pretty much ready to start taking 3 patients after that - what?! That is insane!! :) My psych nursing is pretty good - I am really interested in that kind of stuff, so it's never a boring day on the psych unit! Especially last time was our first time to do a group therapy - well I thought that we were just going to be participating intermittently.... we get in the room...."The UT students are going to leading the entire group today..." UHHHH....okkkk.... hahah. The look on my face was probably priceless. We actually ended up doing a really good job, thank goodness because it could have been tragic. :)

Other than that - I am super excited for next semester. We registered for classes this week and I am ready for some kids and babies!! haha. I'm also taking adult health 2 and genetics in healthcare. Our busiest semester yet with 4 classes. Keepin my head up!!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Keep on truckin...

Just a quick little update - last week was pretty intense (and I didn't even have a test...but just a lot of written work...). I was kind of having a breakdown, but never really got to that point. I think that it was catching up with everyone, seeing that about 5 people at least just spontaneously bawled. :(

But now this week went by a lot better - I had a midterm in psych and this next week is my last time at the children's psych facility. :( I really like it there and am sad to leave. Adult health is going pretty well. My mid-term eval is next week for that, so we will see how it goes. This last week was my first time to have 2 patients. It was definitely more crazy since it was double the amt of work. It's hard to see myself being a "real" nurse and having 5 pts!! I will get there slowly.

I did my first Foley the other day. A little awkward because the guy started out by saying, "Yeah, I wanted a nursing student to do it, because they will always remember me as their first..." Way to start that off!! hahaha. So I need to go and do a mental status eval write-up on my pt from the other day.

Oh and p.s. we are already done with week 8. Starting week 9 already! We are also registering for classes in about a week too - excited about parent/child class next semester!!! :)

Sunday, October 4, 2009


Most of the time I feel as if I am drowning in the work that I have to do. One of the girls in the program said, "We don't study, we just DO." This is so true - I don't really study - I just DO things that are due everyday. It gets so overwhelming. Assignments, care plans, journals, concept maps, worksheets, readings, quizzes, etc. AHHHHH. I don't really like learning like that because I don't feel as if I am retaining it. I can't remember things that I did a week ago. what the heck...that is not going to work when I am in clinical or a real nurse. You just have to know what it is and how to do it. However, I also think that I won't be dealing with a lot of this stuff in the maternity/L&D/pedi realm.

At least this semester is almost half over, the weeks do go by so quickly because of all the things that we have to do. The weekends then go by even faster because I am doing school work most of the time too just to catch up...but then I still don't catch up. I need a break....I guess that will have to wait until Dec. I just have to think that this is my second semester - then in the spring it will be mother/baby/kids - yay! (and adult health haha. Then in the summer its pretty much we do our externship/preceptorship and we will be nurses after the dreaded NCLEX. :)

Well I better get back to my Client Data Base since that is due tomorrow...surprise surprise... (Oh and my teacher told me to call her to ask questions about it and she was at ACL having fun - how dare she!! haha)